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Employing additive manufacturing for tooling applications within the racing industry.

Team Penske, one of the most successful teams in the history of professional sports, continues to evolve their production processes in order to minimize lead times and maximize performance on the racetrack. Additive manufacturing (AM) has led the charge in this evolution with new approaches to tooling applied within all production departments including composites, fabrication, machining, and assembly.

Stratasys AM printers have replaced 5-axis CNC machines for most composite and thermoforming tooling production by leveraging the manufacturing freedoms and high-performance materials afforded through additive. Lightweight polymer fixtures have replaced costly metal-machined and fabricated fixturing for rapid vehicle development. Additionally, the implementation of FDM technology has resulted in a more efficient and cost-effective approach to thermoforming racecar components.

Come and learn how additive manufacturing has infiltrated tooling applications within Team Penske for quick turnaround solutions that keep them at the forefront of racing.