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Manufacturing companies rely on data to monitor all of a factory’s equipment metrics. And most manufacturing companies have a variety of machines and software. Relying on good, accurate equipment data provides insight into ways to improve workflow efficiencies.But how do you know you can trust the data? And how do you ensure the data flows seamlessly together between the mix of equipment?

Watch our on-demand webinar to hear from co-founders Sachin Saswade and Gopal Ramanujam from IndusIntel and Sr. Director of CO-AM Platform, Vishal Singh from Materialise as they discuss how you can enhance your supply chain using trusted data solutions.

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Watch how you can enhance your supply chain using our trusted data solutions!

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  • Vishal Singh, Materialise Sr. Director of CO-AM Platform & Cloud Transformation
  • Sachin Saswade, IndusIntel, Inc. founder
  • Gopal Ramanujam, IndusIntel, Inc. founder