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Watch to uncover short cuts in your carbon fiber manufacturing workflow using OpenAM software.

Fill out the form to gain access to the on-demand webinar.

Unlock the secrets of this groundbreaking partnership and harness the power of OpenAM in your own carbon fiber manufacturing processes.

We are thrilled to showcase how quickly Rocket Composites, a leading carbon fiber manufacturer, leveraged OpenAM with the Fortus 450mc 3D printer.

Through real-world examples and compelling insights, viewers can expect to gain a deeper understanding of how OpenAM accelerates carbon fiber manufacturing and helped Rocket Composites by eliminating hours of post-processing time.


Paul Hewitt
CEO and Founder of Rocket Composites, Inc. 
Paul holds a Mechanical Engineering degree with a focus on composite structures. He is involved in all aspects of design and process development, as well as production of products in the Aerospace, Defense, Medical and Sporting Goods fields.  Paul has  30+ years of direct experience in manufacturing.

Brandon Quimson
Mechanical engineer at Rocket Composites.
Brandon has an extensive history in additive manufacturing dating back to the RepRap days of the DIY community. Specializing in mechatronics and machinery design as it relates to manufacturing and automation.  

Justin Jackura
Mechanical engineer at Rocket Composites.
Justin has 6+ years of High temp FDM printing and additive manufacturing experience.  He has 7+ years of composite manufacturing experience working primarily in the Aerospace and defense industries.  Justin is working to complete his Mechanical Engineering degree at UC Davis.  

Thomas Whiting
Applications Engineer at Stratasys focused on manufacturing applications for Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). He has been with Stratasys since 2018 and has extensive experience on both the Fortus and F123 platforms.