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F3300 extruders

Does your 3D printer require hours of support and labor just to result in waiting 2 days for a part that might not work or need to be reprinted? 

The F3300 is the new innovative FDM system from Stratasys designed to open new opportunities for manufacturers looking to expand their AM usage while minimizing the labor and time required to get quality parts.   

This webinar will demonstrate how the easy-to-use design reduces labor and training time required to operate the F3300.   It will also provide data which supports the stated system performance on throughput and part strength potential.  We will showcase applications that demonstrate the value that can be achieved in manufacturing and prototyping by saving time and labor during the production of 3D parts.

Learn how faster throughput and reduced labor lead to a better cost per part for your applications.  
You can expect to learn:

  • How valuable a 3D printer can be when it operates with minimal labor and low risk.
  • A better understanding of the F3300 performance with proof points.
  • Gain insights into applications early users are realizing value with the F3300.
Chris Rollag
Chris Rollag
Senior Product Manager

Christopher Rollag is a Sr Product Manager at Stratasys within the Industrial Business Unit. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Composite Materials Engineering from Winona State University in 2002. Chris has been with Stratasys since 2014, having managed the Fortus Series of FDM 3D Printers, Aerospace interiors solution launch and several FDM materials before leading the development and launch of the F3300 system. Prior to Stratasys, Chris has product and application experience at Chart Industries, Despatch Industries and McClean Anderson.