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Employing additive manufacturing for tooling applications within the racing industry.

Stratasys Automotive Webinar Series

This series of four webinars explores the advantages of utilizing additive manufacturing to support vehicle production and the creation end-use automotive components. Register to watch the series!

In the first session, Fadi Abro, Director of Automotive Business at Stratasys, shares his extensive knowledge and insights on 3D printing applications for transportation. He also presents three exceptional solutions that shorten time-to-market while optimizing cost-efficiency. Fadi is joined by Dallas Martin, an expert user from Toyota North America, who supports various departments with their 3D printing needs and applications. Dallas shares how Toyota is currently implementing Stratasys additive manufacturing.

Stratasys F770, F123™, F900, H350™ and Origin® One 3D printers provide manufacturers with control over their production process to create accurate, durable, impact resistant and customizable automotive parts in-house. These printers offer a wide range of materials, suitable for various production-grade parts throughout the automotive industry.

In each session, we take a deeper dive into each printer, how it works and the automotive applications available to OEMs and suppliers:

  • Session 1: 3D printing applications for transportation. 

  • Session 2: FDM printers accomplish cost-efficient, large and customizable automotive parts and prototypes. 

  • Session 3: The H350 produces consistent and geometrically accurate end-use automotive parts at scale.

  • Session 4: The Origin One prints challenging overhangs, connectors and small features while maintaining excellent surface finish.