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This event is a 45-minute comprehensive information session on how to print adapters and connectors for production on the Stratasys Origin One. Your hosts, Tim Downing, Application Engineering Manager, Origin P3 at Stratasys, and Dan Straka, President of InterPRO, prepare you with the information you need to get started creating these small, accurate parts, as well as best practices to keep in mind and examples of what is possible on the Origin One. The content throughout the 45 minute presentation focuses on optimizing ROI with design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) best practices, as well as proper part and material selection. Tim and Dan detail: 

  • Evaluating if an existing design is an appropriate fit for 3D printing.

  • Tips and tricks for designing or redesigning high accuracy, beautiful finished products that are comparable to injection molding or CNC parts. o Material selection strategies and options.

  • DfAM strategies for adjusting existing designs to make your part faster, cheaper, or more valuable as you switch to 3D print production. o How to evaluate ROI when selecting parts to print.

  • Example showcase: Tim and Dan will elaborate on the details of several example parts, including material used, if any supports were required, and cost per part.

This webinar is an excellent resource for manufacturing and production organizations that are interested in printing connectors and adapters for a variety of environments, including but not limited to situations in which high heat or heat cycling, vibrations or impact is to be expected, or chemical exposure is likely. 

This event ends in a short lab tour of InterPRO's Origin One work space and a lively Q&A from participants.