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South-Korea (한국어)

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Join us for an insightful webinar exploring how GrabCAD Streamline Pro and Connected Service are revolutionizing additive manufacturing operations. Discover how to maximize your Stratasys investment through enhanced visibility, automated workflows, and data-driven insights that drive customer success.

What You'll Learn:

  • How to leverage equipment metrics dashboards to optimize 3D printing operations and enhance productivity
  • Practical strategies for implementing IoT technology and predictive maintenance to improve printer uptime
  • Methods to harness real-time data analytics for better decision-making and customer satisfaction
  • Best practices for onboarding and driving long-term adoption of GrabCAD Streamline Pro
Anirudh "Kumar" Krishnakumar
Anirudh "Kumar" Krishnakumar
Senior Project Manager at Stratasys

Anirudh "Kumar" Krishnakumar is a Senior Product Manager at Stratasys, focusing on cutting-edge 3D printing software. With a background in Mechanical Engineering and Additive Manufacturing technologies, he earned his M.S. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 2015. Kumar leverages his technical expertise to improve 3D printer utilization, material optimization, and collaboration between operators, engineers, and designers. His areas of interest span software product management, high-performance cloud computing, CAD, and advanced engineering disciplines such as finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics. With eight years of experience in software product management, Kumar bridges the gap between complex technical challenges and user-friendly solutions in the additive manufacturing industry.