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  • Tim Downing, Application Engineering Manager, Origin One Production P3 Stratasys.
  • Deirdre Ledwith, Market Intelligence and Technology Manager, Henkel Loctite’s 3D Printing team.

Date: July 29, 2021
11:00 a.m. CDT / 6:00 p.m. CET


Until recently, photopolymers couldn’t be considered for 3D printed end-use functional parts due to brittleness, non-UV stability, and high part costs. With technologies like Origin One and tough, heat-resistant one part resins from Henkel, a whole new world of capabilities has opened up for manufacturers serious about getting parts into high volume production. In this webinar from Stratasys and Henkel, learn what led to this acceleration in material development and performance, what sets our solution apart, and how to pick an application for Programmable PhotoPolymerization P3.