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power of post processing

Bonus content: Introducing our latest innovation, FabriXTM, and learn more about the Stratasys Research Package for higher education 

Additive manufacturing has revolutionized the way we create designs and prototypes, but did you know that post-processing can unlock even more potential for this cutting-edge technology? 

From changing material properties to enhancing the surface finish, post-processing techniques can take your 3D printing materials to the next level.

We will delve into the various techniques and technologies available for post-processing, as well as their benefits and drawbacks. Additionally, we will discuss Stratasys' latest innovation, FabriX – a new solution for 3D printing on fabric and flexible substrates, which is especially important for designers and researchers in academia.

  1. In-depth understanding of 3D printing post-processing technologies

  2. The impact of post-processing on applications and materials 

  3. Selecting the right post-processing options for the application 

  4. Introducing FabriXTM - 3D printing on fabric and flexible substrates 

  5. Discover our Research Package – experiment with PolyJet 3D printing and accelerate your innovation.