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South-Korea (한국어)

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Location: Chicago

Booth: 8306

RSNA is the world’s leading radiology forum that provides radiology professionals and industry partners opportunities to learn, connect, and see the latest technology in action. This year’s annual meeting, with the theme "Building Intelligent Connections", RSNA 2024 will center on the bright horizon of radiology and the important role AI plays in empowering radiologists into the future.

See Medical 3D Printing Solutions in Action  

Stratasys Medical team will showcase Digital Anatomy 3D printing technology and first-of-its-kind radiopaque 3D printing material. 

Our advanced 3D printing materials and software make it possible to create life-like realistic 3D anatomical models.

Learn more on RadioMatrix, our NEW radiopaque material that allows users to easily customize models that can be visible under X-ray and CT imaging modalities.  

Our patient-specific solutions provide a full range of personalized solutions to create innovative medical devices tailored to each patient's unique needs. 

Don’t miss your chance to learn more about our advanced 3D printing solutions! Register today to secure your meeting with an expert from Stratasys.  

We look forward to seeing you at RSNA 2024!